Wyniki turniej tenisa stołowego PACBA Open 2023

PACBA dziekuje wszystkim uczetnikom Turnieju PACBA OPEN 2023 Wyniki turniej tenisa stołowego PACBA Open 2023     1. Sławek Miodowski 2. Andrzej Cichowski 3. Andrzej Róg     Podziękowania wszystkim uczestnikom i sponsorom.      ...

PACBA Anniversary 26th Ball

PACBA was founded as a non-profit organization in Chicago on May 3, 1996.  Our accomplishments would not have been possible without the help, support, and cooperation from local, state, and federal government administrations.  With gratitude and great humility, we would like to share with you some of these achievements.


            Since its founding in 1996, PACBA has been an active member of the local as well as international community representing Polish-American contractors and small businesses all over the United States. PACBA promotes education, high quality workmanship standards, and safety in the construction industry.


            As part of our mission, we also promote American businesses in Central and Eastern Europe and provide international aid and assistance to those who are less fortunate in the form of home construction and repair. Specifically, we promote American home building systems and up to date technology in addition to encouraging new commercial contacts between European and domestic companies.


            In 1997, we organized a massive relief effort for flood victims in Poland, and donated our time to build several homes for needy families.  These homes were built using the American style of construction with all American-made materials and showcased our domestic technology.


            This major undertaking opened the door for the next major step in advancing our mission – a formal building material exposition organized in Poland called “PACBA EXPO”, which took place in 2000. With over $500,000.00 donated entirely by our members, PACBA presented over fifty American manufacturers the opportunity to exhibit and promote their products and technologies for the Central and Eastern European market. Since the EXPO was limited to American companies, it enabled the participants to establish invaluable European business contacts. PACBA never meant to profit from this venture and the only return we received on our investment was the growth of American business internationally.

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